Our Approach

As the final generation that can solve climate change, FES empowers youth to create a more inclusive, fair, prosperous, and sustainable future. FES is youth-led, and youth-serving and fully believes that youth are the key to cultivating political will, shifting societal attitudes, and changing dominant culture that will enable so-called Canada to deploy meaningful and fair climate solutions. 

FES is a registered charity (801430307 RR0001) and is an accredited organization by the United Nations  and has special consultative status with the:

  • Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)

  • United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

  • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification(UNCCCD)

  • United Nation Framework and Covention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)

Smiling youth with plant, yellow circle, and wavy lines in the background.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower youth, change lifestyles, and amplify powerful youth projects to create a sustainable future. We provide training, resources, and other support to see youth-led projects and leaders grow and be sustained across the country.

Our Vision

We envision a future where young people are empowered and supported in their active involvement building solutions for a climate resilient future.

Our Intended Impact

Our intended impact is to see that by 2030, the Canadian climate movement will be successfully implementing mitigation and adaptation strategies needed for a climate-resilient and fair Canada, through the influence and action of youth leaders.

Youth smiling, standing in front of a waterfall and a gradient blue sky.

Our Grounding Truths

Our Principles

We are youth-led, youth-serving - always.

  • We believe that youth are the best agents of change and that’s why we are investing in them. Youth are powerful, passionate, and competent, and the adult-centric world continuously underestimates and ignores the demands of youth. We are passionate about ensuring that youth are empowered and supported to take action and carry these experiences with them into their personal and professional lives.

We are working towards an equitable and accessible future.

  • We seek to support innovative work that takes bold climate action and supports communities most deeply affected by the climate crisis. To do so, we are committed to making our processes as equitable and accessible as possible through clarity and transparency, demystifying climate jargon and language, providing consistent and clear communication, and ensuring we accommodate folks that may not be able-bodied, speak other languages than English, and experience barriers to climate work. We will review our strategy regularly to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the community we serve.

We are in a climate crisis, and we act like it.

  • We seek to create, nurture, and maintain long-term supportive relationships and we are committed to collaborating with existing community partners and helping them amplify their impact.

We are committed to building relationships of trust and mutual respect.

  • We are at a nexus point where the actions that we take now greatly impact our ability to make it under the 1.5 degree mark. Climate change may not be the most important issue in every context, but it certainly is the most urgent, as failure to address the climate crisis heavily impacts our ability to address other inequalities and injustices.

We strengthen the movement through responsibility and reciprocity.

  • We encourage work that brings underrepresented communities, particularly Indigenous communities, to the forefront of the climate movement and defend communities whose health and livelihoods are threatened by environmental exploitation. We are committed to aligning ourselves with the Calls to Action outlined by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.

Our Strategy

To operationalize the strategy, FES has developed three key areas to build until 2030.

Three youth looking into the distance with mountains and green circle in the background.

Priority 1: Finance

  • To enable youth initiatives to access an additional $80M by 2030, outside of FES giving.

Youth laughing with tree in background and yellow wavy lines.

Priority 2: Engage

  • To enable the development of an ecosystem of co-conspirators and collaborators across climate, To enable exposure of climate action to the general public and moveable middle pressuring traditional and new media to cover climate action from 1.2% to 3.5% to re-balance narratives around climate change.

Youth smiling lifting hands into the air, with waterfall and blue circle behind them.

Priority 3: Sustain

  • To enable the sustainability of youth and organizations, so that (youth) leaders continue to engage in climate-related work after 30.

Getting to 2030

Our Strategic Plan

Governance & Transparency

FES uses several strategies to ensure that adequate governance mechanisms are put in place. This includes having several committees on FES’ Board, utilizing committees for our granting streams and projects, and performing an annual audit.

Equity & Diversity

FES aspires to cultivate a youth climate movement that is well-sustained, which means honouring that the strength of the youth-led climate movement comes from its diversity of perspectives and identities.

Support Us

Give back to empower youth for a more inclusive, fair, prosperous, and sustainable future.

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