The Future Of Food In Canada

We are thrilled to share The Future of Food in Canada: The Role of Young Agricultural Producers as Environmental Stewards.

During the 3% Project, we heard from numerous agricultural producers across the country. They shared the same story repeatedly: they felt forgotten by Ottawa and misunderstood by the metropolitans, villainized as climate destroyers when in reality they take pride in being stewards of the land. The aim of this report is to share the viewpoints of environmentally focused producers and the exciting opportunities that are possible for climate mitigation in agriculture. The Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee had tabled a motion to study the impacts of carbon pricing on the sector and strategies on GHG emissions prior to prorogation. Our hope is that this report reminds them that as the federal government re-sets that we prioritize investment in clean growth in the sector.

This twenty-page report contains 9 recommendations to create a more inclusive, fair, prosperous, and sustainable agricultural future. They have been developed through hours of discussions with producers on the road, with key agricultural organizations who are at the forefront of this work, and by reviewing available academic research. We hope this report piques the curiosity of those who want to know more about where our food comes from, the people who produce it, and for our government to take action on sustainable agriculture.

What are the recommendations?

1. The offsets generated from carbon sequestration to have access to the federal compliance market.
2. Continue to fund research and extension services for sustainable practices on farms and ranches that build healthy, biologically diverse, and productive soils.
3. Use incentives such as Discounts to Encourage Resilience Building
4. Succession Assistance
5. Expand Education on Agriculture
6. Payment for Ecological Services (PES)
7. Climate Action Incentive Refunds from the Industry Returned to Producers
8. National Procurement Policies that Support Local First
9. Invest in Renewable Infrastructure and Battery Powered Machinery

Intrigued? Download the report to learn more!


FES & CAN-Rac, Press Release


Opportunity Report From 3% Project