Kat’s Departure Blog

Dear FES Community, 

Today is my last day at FES, and while I could write a whole book of reflections and platitudes related to my time as Executive Director, I’ll keep my goodbye short and sweet.

Since stepping into the Executive Director role, we’ve raised $7 million for the organization and youth climate action across the country, grown our team from 2 to 10, and supported over 170 projects nationwide. Together, FES launched the first-ever pooled philanthropic fund led by and serving youth climate action through The Youth Harbour, and later, N:OW for Net-Zero. Through these programs, we’ve scaled youth-led climate projects ranging from supporting solar panel and hydroponic installations in rural communities, to policy campaigns for sustainable infrastructure and food sovereignty, to protests and mobilizations of thousands demanding real climate action, to care initiatives for Black, Indigenous, and racialized climate champions, and to training for current and emerging leaders. 

And just as there are so many things that I am proud of, there are so many things I could have done better. Throughout my leadership I have been humbled, corrected, and put in my place. I have also been nurtured, uplifted, and held. It’s in the discomfort that we grow, and these mountains that we carry; we are only supposed to climb. The climb was not easy, and I am so grateful that I did not have to embark on this journey alone. Thank you to the board, the team, partners, colleagues, funders, and friends. Without you, none of this would have been possible (I don’t think I would have even been able to arrive at the basecamp to start climbing without you all).

And to the team, thank you for being awesome, joyful, and dedicated. FES is nothing without you, and there is no accomplishment that isn’t your own.

I am so thrilled to see Alyssa step in as FES’ next Executive Director. Alyssa, I’m incredibly proud of you and have unwavering faith in you as you take FES to new heights. I’m on the edge of my seat, excited to see where you lead FES under your guidance and leadership!

I am so grateful to have been a small part of such a powerful movement. I’m deeply moved by the immense support of this beautiful community. We have many challenges ahead, but my time at FES has only confirmed that we have the people power and heart to get sh*t done. Cheers to climate action! Cheers to impact! Cheers to community-led solutions! Cheers to youth leadership!

Thank you for letting me serve this wonderful FES community as its Executive Director for the past four years, and for being part of the organization for the past six.  

Remember: it’s our future, our fight. Fund Youth.

With love,



Youth-Led Environmental Organizations Hosting Public Consultations to Help Inform Canada’s Approach to Upholding ‘Right to a Healthy Environment’ In the Canadian Environmental Protection Act